Take action to reinvent your practice today
Times change. Things that once worked like magic may not be as productive today. Here are four myths that may be hurting your legal practice.
1. Clients will come, as long as you stick to your practice
This one used to work like a charm in the old small-town communities where everyone used to know each other and their telephone numbers. Not anymore.
If your work can speak for you, you have all the more reason to let every prospective client in your area know about it. The next time they search for a lawyer, you can be the one answering the call, provided you have a professional lawyer’s website with your success stories in it - a website optimized to show up on top in local search results, without wasting time and money on locales outside your practice area.
Take the time to build up a formidable presence in Social Media platforms as well. Join Lawyers groups in Facebook. Tweet frequently on legal developments.
On your own, a great web and social presence may take a lot of time and money to build. If you cannot afford to invest time every single day, there are professional website and digital marketing companies who can get it done for you.
2. Once a Client, Always a Client
Not when your client is exposed to other’s advice every single day – in legal columns, web searches, Quora, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
Make it a point to communicate with clients unobtrusively. Drop a couple of email every month, highlighting legal developments that may impact their business or profession. Work the phone. Say Hello on Facebook.
Always stay in touch.
3. Volunteering is a waste of time
Not when you have the opportunity to meet 100x prospective clients on a single day, at a free legal aid camp or a fundraiser for the local charity. If it is an important reception with a lot of prospective clients visiting, volunteer to be a greeter. You will become one of the few familiar, reassuring faces when most of the competition would remain just names.
Building up the reputation of a conscientious volunteer and promoter of social causes can put you miles ahead in your profession. Go for it!
4. Bar Associations are a waste of time
You probably meet these lawyers every single day at work, when all of you are busy and preoccupied with clients and briefs. That makes regular bar association meetings an attractive proposition.
You will get the community heads-up on important developments which you may have missed, plus networking opportunities and even more referrals. So the next time you are invited to a bar association meeting, just block your calendar.
Any questions? We are here to help. For more answers on professional lawyer’s websites and digital marketing Contact us.